Ramona's Law of AttractionĀ Blog

The Proximity Effect: Unlocking Fearless Living through Positive Influences

I had an "aha" moment recently, while watching a re-run episode of Shark Tank, of all things.

I love the show first and foremost for the absolute...

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Dearly NOT So Departed!

Dear Ones:

Ever wonder what happens when our loved ones embark on their cosmic journey beyond this earthly realm?

Well, guess what? The cosmic...

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From Lonely to Fearless Part 2

In my recent post, I shared an excerpt from my book "From Lonely to Fearless: A Guide to Conquering Loneliness, Boosting  Self-Esteem,...

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How to Go From Lonely to Fearless Part 1

Writing my book "From Lonely to Fearless: A Guide to Conquering Loneliness, Boosting  Self-Esteem, and Letting Go of Others' Opinions" was a...

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How to Get Back Into Your Body to Release Resistance

The Bliss of Letting Go: Relieving Constrictive Thoughts through Body Relaxation

In the whirlwind of our daily lives, it's easy to become ensnared...

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How to Say Yes to Your Biggest Desires

Our lives are often shaped by the choices we make, and one of the most significant choices is our response to our deepest desires. Sometimes, it's...

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How to Release Attachment to Your Own Desires

Embracing Desire with Unconditional Love: Releasing Attachment and Resistance

Desire is a natural and powerful force that propels us to explore,...

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How to Know the Answer is Already Flowing to You and You Can Release the Question

In our quest for answers and solutions, we often forget that sometimes the universe is already in the process of providing what we...

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How to Release Physical Pain by Slowing Down: The Power of Mind-Body Connection

In our fast-paced world, where the demands of work, family, and daily life seem never-ending, it's easy to become overwhelmed and neglect the...

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How to Let Your Desires Pull You To Them Through the Feelings, and Release the Thinking


Our thoughts play a powerful role in shaping our reality, and our desires are often born from these thoughts. However, the...

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The Alignment Circle: Nurturing Growth, Happiness, and Transformation

Celebrating the Remarkable Journey of Participants in Breaking Free from Old Habits, Thought Patterns, and Limiting Beliefs

Welcome, dear readers,...

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How to Break Free from Brainsplaining: Unleash Your Heart's Wisdom

Embrace the Power of Presence, Mindfulness, HeartSet, and Self-Compassion

Welcome, dear readers, to an exploration of the intricate dance between...

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Money vs. Manifesting Transformation

Many clients come to me with confusion about their finances, their businesses or work, and even their satisfaction in their romantic relationships,...

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What Does Resistance Look Like?

What Does Resistance Look Like?

Opra and I both get asked this question a lot: what exactly do you mean by “resistance?” And what does...

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